Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The first copy...

There are moments of your life you look back and say, wow, that was exciting. One of those moments occurred today when I sold the first copy of my story. Yes, today was the day of the counter on the Lulu.com account page went from 0 to 1. It is hard to describe the feeling you get when you realize someone was curious enough to want to see what the story was all about. I have no idea who the first reader is, but I want to say thank you for becoming a milestone in this chapter of my life.


  1. Great Blog, Ken.

    Your comment made me smile -- always a great way to start a day at 5am :)

    I remember the first time I saw my name on the spine of a book done by a major publisher. Wow, was I impressed with myself !!!

    By the third title, they had become accounts receivable; impressive still to my friends, money i might spend if i ever got it :)

    gary in saint petersburg, florida usa

  2. Thanks Gary. Hope you enjoy the book as well.
    - Ken
